Visit to the hspcco blog post

In February 2017, Rosie at Intouch Global Foundation was lucky enough to visit Cambodia and the ‘Helper Students for the Poor Children of Cambodia Organisation’. Whilst there she was able to stay with a local family and visit the school every day. The aim of the trip was to oversea the daily activities of the HSPCCO, assess the way the school is run, and experience life in Cambodia. Rosie was able to spend time with the children whilst running some arts and crafts workshops, which they enjoyed very much. 
Samuth Ngyoen the founder of the school, kindly escorted and guided Rosie around the local area, introducing her to local families, and taking her to visit other local schools which he supports. 
The trip was very rewarding for Rosie, and has really benefited the partnership between Intouch and the HSPCCO.