In December 2017, Kevin at Intouch Global Foundation embarked upon a trip to Nepal to witness the new beginnings of the craniofacial surgery in Janakpur that we are supporting with Future Faces charity. The aim of the trip was to oversea the activities and status of the new centre and gain an understanding of the need for craniofancial surgery in Nepal.
Kevin first flew into Kathmandu where he stayed with a maxiofacial surgeon and his family, and visited various hospitals and dental clinics, observing a range of operations. He then flew over to the district of Janakpur to spend time at the new ‘Craniofacial Centre Nepal.’ Whilst in Janakpur, Kevin also attended a symposium organised by local doctors about craniofacial surgery. At the event there were speeches made by experts from India and the UK, and Kevin also had the opportunity to give a presentation on Intouch Global Foundation. He was also fortunate enough to visit the British Embassy with representatives from Future Faces and the craniofacial centre to meet the British ambassador, and discuss the new surgery and project.
We are now in the process of writing a bid for a grant from the Department of International Development on behalf of Future Faces for the ‘Craniofacial Centre Nepal.’ As well as being an insightful, eye opening trip, Kevin’s new first hand knowledge and experience in Nepal is helping to formulate a stronger and more powerful application.