Añañau, Peru

Asociación ONG Añañau is a non-profit and non-governmental organization

Asociación ONG Añañau is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that was founded in December 2014 in Cusco, Peru. It works with children and teenagers between 4 and 18 years old, who live in extreme poverty and unstable family situations in the district of San Jeronimo, a suburb of Cusco.

Many children don’t have access to proper education or healthcare.

Añañau is primarily an educational project, providing quality education to serve as a springboard to a better future. Working together with parents and the community through workshops, a literacy program for mothers and other educational activities, Añañau aim to empower all those who participate.

In 2019, BGF funded the construction of a second resource centre for the organisation, and contribute towards the salaries of teachers and staff.